Expand Your Consciousness
Thank you for your patience while we finish preparing our new location for you!
We are almost there!
For just over two years now we have been working very hard behind the scenes to renovate a beautiful farm house on Route 138 in Richmond, Rhode Island to serve as our new location for the Awaken Wholeness Center which spent four very successful years on Main Street in Wakefield, RI. We are very close to finishing our renovations and are currently updating our website. Please be sure to add your name to our email list and subscribe to our newsletters so you can be ready to sign up for sessions again when we re-open. We look forward to seeing you all in person again very soon! Warmest, Heather and Ross Newkirk (February 2025)

We are dedicated to the Awakening and Enlightenment of the Mind, Body, and Spirit through the use of holistic practices, educational experiences, and
consciousness-raising technologies for
the purpose of empowering humanity
to greater health, awareness, and oneness.

New Offerings!
We are thrilled to be expanding our offerings to include more technologies, more practitioners, new classes, new lectures, group meditations, yoga classes, sauna, shungite room, and a rock and crystal shop. As long as your are on our mailing list you will know when we go "live" and you can sign up for everything we have to offer to you. We hope you are ready to expand your consciousness in new ways! See you soon!